Tag Archives: DMCA

Megaupload Censored

The folks at TorrentFreak report that Universal Music has issued DMCA takedown notices to remove from YouTube a video posted by Megaupload in which Universal has no copyright interest. Alas, misuse of takedown notices is all too common.

DMCA Abuse: Wildlife Version

Carolyn Wright operates a website featuring photographs she has taken of wildlife. The website’s host recently suspended the site after it received a DMCA notice containing phony copyright infringement claims. Ms. Wright is herself a copyright lawyer. The problem seems to have been resolved and the website is back up.

Oh, Brother

Here we go again. Warner Brother has admitted using DMCA takedown notices to target materials in which it doesn’t own a copyright. This isn’t the first time the brothers Warner have have gotten grabby. In 1947 when the Marx Brothers were about to begin production of A Night in Casablanca, Warner Brothers threatened to sue […]