But for the 1976 Copyright Act

The Center for the Study of the Public Domain reports on works that would have entered the public domain on January 1, 2012, were it not for the changes effected by the Copyright Act of 1976. Among other things: Rebel Without a Cause and Lady and the Tramp.

Larry Tribe on SOPA

Larry Tribe explains why SOPA violates the First Amendment.

For Sale: www.righthaven.com

Righthaven’s domain name is up for sale to raise cash to pay off lawyers.

Report on Richard Prince

The New York Times reports on the copyright lawsuit against artist Richard Prince. Because art moves too quickly for copyright law, The Times tells us, “the [appellate court’s] decision will not answer the larger questions about how copyright should evolve to deal with the reality of artists in a digital world.”

Naughty and Nice: The SOPA List

Who’s naughty? Who’s nice? Find out here who supports SOPA and who opposes it.

Libraries and e-books

When books are e-books, libraries can’t have them.

EMI & Santa Claus

 Just in time for the holidays, the estate of songwriter J Fred Coots wants “Santa Claus is Comin’ To Town” back and is suing EMI to get it. The  case seems to come down to the validity of a 1981 termination of a copyright assignment.

EFF’s Notable Books

The Electronic Frontier Foundation lists “notable books” from 2011. Copyfraud is happy to be included.

I fought SOPA and all I got was this stupid t-shirt

Details here.

Small Copyright Claims

The Copyright Office seeks public comments on how the legal system hinders the ability of copyright owners to bring claims with low economic value. Comments are due on January 16, 2012.